7 August 2008

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22nd Mt. Kinabalu International Climbathon 2008

This event has made its reputation as "The World''s Toughest Mountain Race". A true challenge to the spirit of human endurance, this race involves running up and down Mt. Kinabalu (4095.2 m), where the total distance is 21km for all men, women and men categories. The average climber takes 2 days to climb the mountain but participants of the race can make it in less than 3 hours.

The Climbathon is part of the Buff® Sky Runners® World Series circuit for the sixth consecutive year and is one of the two races in the circuit held outside Europe. Buff® Sky Runner® World Series is regulated and coordinated by the European-based Federation for Sport at Altitude (FSA).

to know more visit http://climbathon.sabahtourism.com


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