3 June 2008

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Gaya Street Kota Kinabalu

Earlier called Bond Street, Gaya Street situated in the Kota Kinabalu Central Business District has been the centre of business sector since over a hundred years. The wooden shops with nipah roofs are long lost but here is where generations-old family businesses is still thriving authorised down from father to son.

Every Sunday morning time, the distance of Gaya Street is closed down away to traffic to makeGaya Street way for the Fair. Shop at for any price under shady trees and outsized umbrellas, like batik sarongs, fruits and flowers, artistic production* and craft, footwear, antiques and souvenirs, cakes, even pets and herbs!. This makes up the best place to go through the cross-section of the local population once whole families enjoy a Sunday outing.

Gaya StreetThe Gaya Street Fair is on every Sunday from 6.30 am to 1.00 pm

Getting There

A short stroll from anywhere around the city or take public transport into town.


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